
"Harm none and do thy will"



If you would like to make contact with us you should send a message to ‘The Magister’ at the London Wicca meetup group. There is a search facility to find the Magister in the Members tab on the site.

11 thoughts on “Contact

  1. I feel drawn to the wicca religion but I don’t know how to go about it, I live in staffordshire.

  2. I am interested in joining a wicca group localy in the new forest but don`t know how to contact the local group

  3. I am from a town called Wallasey not many people know of it but I am young and interested in learning about the religion Wicca so I would like you to contact me via text 07990030544 please do text me at 8am to 3:10 pm on weekdays Thank you

  4. Hi is there a Wiccan group near Christchurch Dorset?

    • Hi Tim, We have a group in Arundel or can train you remotely from London. Let us know if you want to know more.

    • Hi Tim,
      This is a response to a request for information from one of the contact points connected to the Wiccan Federation or one of its associated groups. You asked about the situation in Dorset. We don’t currently have a group in this area although we are keen to start one. We do, however, have a training course called Seven Moons which allows for training remotely. This trains seekers in Wicca over a six month period. It is connected with one of our covens in London and allows an individual to train with the support of this coven, and attend its new moon meetings if they are in London. If you would like to join this course please let me know. The course is free if done by e-mail or you can join the course by post in which case charges apply as we have to print and post the material. Please contact cochranefaithful@yahoo.co.uk if you wish to join the course.

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